Category : Coding
Solving SQL Murder Mystery With Logica
Logica is a logic language for data manipulation developed by Google. It can be compiled into several SQL dialects, including BigQuery, SQLite and PostgreSQL. SQL, as a programming language, has several design flaws and suffers from bad readability especially when it comes to complex data queries. Logica has been aimed at mitigating those problems with SQL, and this post attempts to show that it does a quite good job in enhancing code readability and reusability, taking the SQL Murder Mystery as an example. Read more
Dual boot: Fix a broken GRUB
I have dual boot Windows 10 and Arch Linux Manjaro on my PC. It happened recently that after updating grub, grub terminal does not show up on booting and shortly afterwards Manjaro would always be launched, which meant Windows became inaccessible for me. Apparently the grub update interfered with the configurations on my machine and made it unable to work properly. Here is how I solved the problem. Read more
质数的线性筛法比埃氏筛法复杂度更优,且可以被用来求积性函数的函数值。本文给出了相应的数学背景和代码实现,给出了三个常用积性函数(欧拉函数、莫比乌斯函数和除数函数)的线性筛法求法。 Read more
Python 爬虫提纲
简明扼要的Python爬虫思路,并有一个简单的例子。 Read more
LightOJ-1296 题解 SG函数找规律
题目链接 一道找规律的好题。 Read more