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I Write $\sin(x)$ Not Tragedies

Category : Mathematics


和另外两个朋友去吃饭,饭局结束玩德州扑克,说好拿出饭钱的90元按照游戏结束后的筹码分布进行摊分。牌局开始的时候每人有30个筹码;牌局结束,我剩下68个筹码,朋友A剩下22个,朋友B输光了。怎样分摊账单合理呢? Read more

Support Vector Machines

We could use KNN, logistic regression, LDA, and decision trees for classification problems. Here we discuss a new set of methods: the maximal margin classifier, the support vector classifier, and the support vector machine, which are often loosely referred to as “support vector machines”. Read more