Eric Way's Personal Site

I Write $\sin(x)$ Not Tragedies

Category : Mathematics

Tree-Based Methods

Recall that we use step functions, where the range of predictor $X$ is broken into several bins and in each bin the average of the observed response, certainly a constant, is used as the prediction. Step functions can be viewed as a special case of tree-based methods, the latter of which could be applied to multiple predictors. Read more

Non-Linear Models

Linear models, including linear regression and models making improvements on it, can only offer a limited approximation of the real world. Therefore, moving beyond linearity is necessitated in various situations where more flexibility is required. Read more


一直在看Coursera上宾夕法尼亚大学的微积分课。前两天才看到Discrete Calculus那一节,发现非常有趣,对于探讨函数和数列的一些内在联系非常有启发性,此文略记一二。 Read more