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I Write $\sin(x)$ Not Tragedies

Luogu P1272:树形背包

树上, 状态必然有一个维度是“子树的根节点编号”, 记作$u$. 需要完全理解题意, 可构造出本题用$f(u,j)$来表示“将以$u$为根节点的子树拆成一棵大小是$j$的子树至少需要切断多少... Read more


看了很多插头DP的教程,感觉都说的不是很清楚。但我还是搞明白了它是什么。 Read more

题解 CF55D :数位DP+数论

这题做了半天。 美丽的数的定义是“可以被自己的所有非零数位整除的数”。 做数位DP,想的就是每个状态需要什么参量来表示。注意到这个定义的限制并不在选取每个数位的时候... Read more


问题类型是求解小于等于某个给定$n$的、数位符合一定条件的的正整数的个数。注意如果题目要求是求解某个正整数区间上的、符合一定条件的数的个数,则可以轻易化归到上述问题。 Read more

Support Vector Machines

We could use KNN, logistic regression, LDA, and decision trees for classification problems. Here we discuss a new set of methods: the maximal margin classifier, the support vector classifier, and the support vector machine, which are often loosely referred to as “support vector machines”. Read more

Tree-Based Methods

Recall that we use step functions, where the range of predictor $X$ is broken into several bins and in each bin the average of the observed response, certainly a constant, is used as the prediction. Step functions can be viewed as a special case of tree-based methods, the latter of which could be applied to multiple predictors. Read more